Strip Club DJ 101: Day Shift Success


Strip Club DJ 101 is meant as both a tool for DJs that are new to the business as well as a way for veteran DJs to reflect on skills that they now take for granted. Keep an eye out for upcoming segments!


The attitude that “it’s just a day shift” is the number one reason why 90% of the strip club day shifts across the country are under performing.

My name is Jerry Butler (Jer-Bear) and I am the day time DJ at one of the best clubs in the state of Texas, and arguably also the best day shift in the state, The Ritz Houston.  As much as I would like to take all of the credit, I can’t. I am surrounded by an amazing waitress staff, the best bartending team, and a GM that strives for excellence no matter what time of day it is.

An old manager from Orlando, FL once said to me, “anyone can DJ with 150 entertainers and 300 guests. True talent comes when you can make a party out of 4 entertainers and 7 guests”. That’s what I try to do, but I don’t let my self stay at 4 entertainers. Rapport with your girls is key, and reputation is everything. The girls must believe in their day-time DJ.

Here are some key things I try to do that I have noticed help me create the party no matter the time of day:

  • Respect your staff and entertainers. If your team likes you they will hustle for you and the party comes together easier.
  • Keep your energy level up. No, that does not mean 128 bpm fist-pumping all day. It does mean read your room and play smart. I have a VIP guest that loves Randy Travis, “I Told You So” and he makes it worth it to me, my bar, and my team when I play it-however, I set it up with energy before I roll into it AND roll out of the song with energy.
  • Don’t be tip hungry.  That certainly doesn’t mean don’t make money but let the money come to you.  I promise you that when you respect your entertainers, keep them happy (within the format of the club), and stay positive you can and will make more money on days then a lot of night guys do.
  • Have fun. We are selling booze and good times. There is no reason every day shouldn’t be filled with laughter and fun music. It’s not rocket surgery and, just like the night DJ, as the day DJ you are the heartbeat of the party.

In short, those are the key things I do daily that have helped me maintain an above average, 35+ entertainer count, and high sales day shift with a great return rate on VIP clientele. I am always available for any questions, and if you’re ever in Houston, TX stop by The Ritz Houston and say hi!





  1. Not only is he one of my best friends but is by far an amazing DJ and does exactly what he stated….Take notes..????

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