Panda Off The Charts July 2017 | Diamante
The Professional Adult Nightclub DJ Association, better known as PANDA, is a network of Strip Club DJs from around the US and beyond. Panda Off The Charts is a show where we bring you some tracks that may not be charting yet, but we feel are worth your consideration. On this episode our special guest is Diamante. DJ of the Year Ilan Fong also joins Bob Chiappardi from and Danny Meyers from The Harem Dayton. Enjoy!!
Listen to Panda Off The Charts – July 2017 here!
PANDA Off The Charts July 2017 Track List
Remix pools and services that we recommend are StripJointsMusic, DJ City, BPM Supreme, Videotoolz, Funkymix, Promo Only
A very special thank you to ITunes, Stitcher, Hipcast, Podcat and PandaMembers for carrying our podcast.