Panda Off The Charts October 2018 | Jax Jones – G Perico – Ocho Sneak
The Professional Adult Nightclub DJ Association, better known as PANDA, is a network of Strip Club DJs from around the US and beyond. Panda Off The Charts is a show where we bring you some tracks that may not be charting yet, but we feel are worth your consideration. On this episode, we have THREE guests. Jax Jones, G Perico & Ocho Sneak. 2016 DJ of the Year Ilan Fong also joins Bob Chiappardi from and 2017 DJ of the Year Danny Meyers Enjoy!!
Listen to Panda Off The Charts – October 2018 here!
PANDA Off The Charts October 2018 Track List

Remix pools and services that we recommend are StripJointsMusic, DJ City, BPM Supreme, Videotoolz, Funkymix, Promo Only
A very special thank you to ITunes, Stitcher, Hipcast, Podcat and PandaMembers for carrying our podcast.