PANDA Loves Features | Miss Mena


IMG_0695Miss Mena is a showgirl with an incredibly diverse range of talents that have l
anded her a feature in the past with Ripley’s Believe it or Not-including, but not limited to, belly dancing, old school burlesque, and fire eating. She’s been the club favorite feature nominee twice, and she was Miss of the Year for 2013!

She’s competing in just a few weeks at the EDI East at Monroe’s in West Palm Beach, and it’s sure to be an incredible show. Make sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to learn about future performances!

PANDA: How would you describe the music in your shows?

Miss Mena: Mainly high energy electro swing with dem nasty beats!

P: What is the first song you remember dancing to in a club?

M: Motley Crüe “Shout at the Devil” \m/

IMG_0691P: If you could only dance to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

M: One song to dance to for the rest of my life!?!…. just shoot me now.

P: What is the worst song that a DJ ever played for you?

M: “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam. Had hard time getting sexy with that one.

P: What is the coolest thing that a DJ ever did for you?

M: I love it when I ask about a song that they had played and then they gift it to me on my flash drive. I think music is one of the best things to share and gift… and getting gifted a bottle of Johnny Walker Black is a very close second!

P: Pick a great “throw back” strip club track for us!

M: N.E.R.D “Lapdance”








From the stage to the booth, Kira has been in the industry for a total of 7 years, with the final 3 of those spent DJing at Double Visions in Pennsylvania. Since beginning her DJ career she has been named DJ of the Year by the local industry magazine, Unveiled, nominated for DJ of the Year by the ED Awards, and also branched out to take control of social media for her club. She has been a PANDA Board Member since early 2016.