PANDA DJ Gets Spotlight With Podcast


Dec. 9th, 2014| Ron Sparkman
The votes are in! A lot of hard work went into this competition and it’s our very own Tim Rhodes who’s emerged the winner in the DJCITY ( podcast competition. A variety of all the hottest forms of high energy dance music are represented in epic form with his new mix which you can check out on iTunes by clicking the link below.

DJcity logo

This is the beginning of a new relationship with one of the top mainstream organizations in the country. More is coming soon! Congratulatons to Tim! Make sure to support our group’s efforts by downloading and sharing his mix on all your favorite social media sources.




Dane Hansen is the current president of PANDA. He’s been nominated multiple times by Exotic Dancer for some of their most prestigious awards, Employee of the Year and DJ of the Year. Dane puts in exhaustive work to bring the dj community to a higher level year after year.