PANDA CHALLENGE! Who wants to host an OFFICIAL Motley Crue Strip Club After Party?!



Greetings, Panda Nation! I’m here today with a HUGE announcement from our friends at StripJointsMusic.comFew bands mean more to the adult nightclub industry than Motley Crue, especially their ultimate anthem, Girls, Girls, Girls. As a way to say “Thank You!” to everyone in the industry, they’ve got an amazing contest for the last leg of their final tour. Bob Chiappardi, of Concrete Marketing and, set this up and gives us details below.

From Bob:

“That’s right, it’s Bob from StripJoints Music ( ) here! In case you have not seen StripJoints Music and our involvement on the PANDAPlanet Platypus or ED Publications websites, it is a division of Concrete Marketing Inc ( ) which has been a leading music industry promotion company for over 30 yrs.  Our clients include everyone from AC/DC, Ozzy, Eminem, Rhianna, and Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift, Metallica, and the client that we have reached out to you today about, Motley Crue.  
Motley Crue is on the last leg of their Final Tour and they want to thank all the strip clubs and strip club DJs that have supported them though their long and illustrious career.  With “Girls, Girls, Girls” being the greatest musical tribute to strip clubs, the lovely ladies and DJs that work in them, here is the opportunity for YOU to create a “TRIBUTE” to Motley Crue.  Be a part of this historic tour and win some amazing prizes to boot!
Sounds interesting????
Well then, so CLICK HERE to find out more!
The contest is open to all PANDA MEMBER DJs and their clubs, so we hope to see you join in the fun!
Thanks for checking us out-
Bob Chiappardi
Concrete Marketing Inc/StripJoints Music”


This is amazing! And don’t forget that even if you’re NOT in one of the markets, you STILL have a chance to win some really cool prizes by jumping in on this. As stated above, you can get all the information right here on this linkGood luck and remember, the more we get involved in these incredible opportunities, the more it creates for us in the future!

