Feature Entertainers

PANDA Loves Features | Natasha Nova

Natasha Nova is the girl that you wish lived next door-Miss America with a very naked twist! She won the EDI West Showgirl division...

PANDA Loves Features | Liza Lust

Very few features hit the industry running in the way that Liza Lust has. She started this year with a win at the prestigious...

PANDA Loves Features | Reagan Reilly

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/251914284" params="color=2500bb&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]   Reagan Reilly is a true up and coming feature entertainer! She has been named both Miss Exotic Dancer...
Aria Moon - the feature experience

Feature Entertainers & Improving The Feature Experience

For the past few years the Feature Entertainer panel at the ED Publications Gentlemen's Club Expo has provided valuable insight into maximizing the return on...

PANDA Loves Features | Lisa Lish

Lisa Licious has won multiple national feature entertainer championships-and it's no surprise with her incredibly innovative and ambitious shows. Her Star Wars show includes an...

PANDA Loves Features | Simone Danalustrous

    A great feature entertainer can make a DJ's job so much easier by building the energy in the room! We decided to put a spotlight...

PANDA Loves Features | Gia Nova

Gia Nova is the sort of feature that has made a big name in the industry for herself by pushing her involvement well beyond...

PANDA Loves Features | Lacey Rain

Lacey Rain has made quite the name for herself within the adult nightclub industry and in strip clubs around the country. She has won...